Prerequisite Courses:
Course Language:
Course Objectives:
This subject introduces the student to the object-oriented programming paradigm, and to the basic concepts of the discipline called "Bottom-up software development".
Object-oriented programming in an approach to writing software which is based around the idea of building specific data structures to represent the parts of the problem (and/or the parts of the solution), and then defining how those data structures inter-relate and interact.
Software development is the study and practice of a collection of concepts, techniques and tools which enable programmers to design and build, and maintain large software systems in a reliable and cost effective way
Course Content:
Revision of Object Oriented Concepts: Abstraction and Encapsulation, Typing and Inheritance, Polymorphism and Overloading, Genericity and Persistence, Overview of OOP in C++, The Software Development Process, Software Characteristics and Metrics, Object Oriented Design, Templates, libraries, Software Validation, Verification, Debugging, and Testing, Software Maintenance. Enterprise Applications.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Question-Answer, 3: Discussion
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Testing, C: Homework
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