Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NZhnwp4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7320-7545
Scopus Author ID: 56360233800
WoS ResearcherID: B-1218-2008
SCI/SCIE Dergiler
18. Meliksah Turker and Haluk O. Bingol, “Multi-layer network approach in modeling epidemics in an urban town ’, The European Physical Journal B, 96, 16, 2023.
doi:10.1140/epjb/s10051-023-00484-4, arXiv:2109.02272. (SCIE)
17. Orhun Gorkem and Haluk O. Bingol, “Optimism brings accurate perception in Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma”, Advances in Complex Systems, 25, 1, 2150015, 2021.
doi: 10.1142/S0219525921500156, arXiv:2112.01693. (SCIE).
16. Samet Atdag, Haluk O Bingol, “Computational models for commercial advertisements in social networks”, Physica A, 572, 125916, 2021.
doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2021.125916, arXiv:1904.13198. (SCI).
15. Zeynep B. Cinar, Haluk O Bingol, “Getting recommendation is not always better in iterated pris- oner’s dilemma”, Advances in Complex Systems, 23, 5, 2050013, 2020.
doi: 10.1142/S0219525920500137, arXiv:1911.05282. (SCIE).
14. Mursel Tasgin, Haluk O Bingol, “Community detection using boundary nodes in complex net- works”, Physica A, 513, 315–324, 2019.
doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2018.09.044, arXiv:1802.09618. (SCI).
13. Ahmet Emre Aladag, Haluk O. Bingol, Serra Muderrisoglu, Berfu Akbas, Oguzhan Zahmacioglu, “Detecting Suicidal Ideation on Forums: Proof-of-Concept Study”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20, 6, e215, 2018.
doi: 10.2196/jmir.9840, (SCI).
12. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Community detection using preference networks”, Physica A, 495, 126–136, 2018.
doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2017.12.060, arXiv:1708.08305. (SCI).
11. Ibrahim Cimentepe and Haluk O. Bingol, “Parent oriented teacher selection causes language diver- sity”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 429, 142–148, 2017.
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.06.032, arXiv:1702.06027. (SCI).
10. Uzay Cetin and Haluk O. Bingol, “The dose of the threat makes the resistance for cooperation”, Advances in Complex Systems, 19, 8, 1650015, 2016.
doi: 10.1142/S0219525916500156, arXiv:1605.08682. (SCIE).
9. Metin Doslu and Haluk O. Bingol, “Context sensitive article ranking with citation context analysis”, Scientometrics, 108, 653–671, 2016.
doi: 10.1007/s11192-016-1982-6, arXiv:1511.04946. (SCI).
8. Uzay Cetin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Attention competition with advertisement”, Physical Review E, 90, 032801, 2014.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.032801, arXiv:1211.0156. (SCI).
7. Uzay Cetin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Iterated Prisoners Dilemma with limited attention”, Condensed Matter Physics, 17, 3, 33001: 1–8, 2014.
doi: 10.5488/CMP.17.33001, arXiv:1405.0343. (SCIE).
6. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Gossip on Weighted Networks”, Advances in Complex Systems, 15, Suppl. No. 1 1250061, 2012.
doi: 10.1142/S0219525912500610, arXiv:1201.0375. (SCIE).
5. Arzucan Ozgur, Burak Cetin and Haluk Bingol, “Co-occurrence network of Reuters news”, Interna- tional Journal of Modern Physics C, 19, 5, 689-702, 2008.
doi: 10.1142/S0129183108012431, arXiv:0712.2491. (SCI).
4. Haluk Bingol, “Fame emerges as a result of small memory”, Physical Review E, 77, 036118, 2008. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.036118, arXiv:nlin/0609033. (SCI).
3. Amac Herdagdelen and Haluk Bingol, “A Cultural Market Model”, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19, 2, 271-282, 2008.
doi: 10.1142/S012918310801208X, arXiv:0707.2341v2. (SCI).
2. Evrim Acar Ataman, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol, Rasmus Bro and Bulent Yener, “Multiway Analysis of Epilepsy Tensors”, Bioinformatics, 23, i10-i18, 2007.
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm210. (SCI).
1. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun and Haluk Bingol, “A Formal Treatment of Generalized Preferential Attachment and its Empirical Validation”, Europhysics Letters, 78, 60007, p1-p6, 2007.
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/78/60007, arXiv:nlin/0609042v2. (SCI).
Diğer Dergiler
3. Sahin Delipinar and Haluk Bingol, “Application of SRM to Diverse Populations”, Complex Sciences LNICST, 4, Part 1, 1063-1071, 2009.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_106.
2. Haluk Bingol, “Fame as an Effect of the Memory Size”, LNCS 3733, 294-303, 2005. doi: 10.1007/11569596_32.
1. Arzucan Ozgur and Haluk Bingol, “Social Network of Co-occurrence in News Articles”, LNCS 3280, 688-695, 2004.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-30182-0_69.
Peer-reviewed Conferences
17. Nimit Dhulekar, Basak Oztan, Bulent Yener, Haluk O. Bingol, Gulcin Irim, Berrin Aktekin, Canan Aykut-Bingol, “Graph-theoretic Analysis of Epileptic Seizures on Scalp EEG Recordings”, Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (BCB ’14), Newport Beach, California, USA, 2014.
16. Sahin Delipinar and Haluk Bingol, “Application of SRM to Diverse Populations”, Complex 2009, Shanghai, China, 2009.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_106.
15. Canan Aykut-Bingol, Berrin Aktekin, Kadriye Agan, Bulent Guclu, Hasan Huseyin Karadeli, Geysu Karlikaya, Beyza Ciftci, Ugur Ture, Haluk Bingol, Ozlem Yalcin, Seda Salar, Hande Caglayan, “Febril- ize Seizure Plus Epilepsy: A large multigeneration consanguineous family- A preliminary study”, Ideopatic Generalized Epilepsy (IGE), Development Aspects; Bridging Basic Science and Clinical Research, Antalya, Turkey, 2007.
14. Dorina Strori, Ahmet Bombaci, and Haluk Bingol, “Cross Comparison of Synonym Graphs in a Multi Linguistic Context”, ISCIS’07, Ankara, Turkey, 2007.
doi: 10.1109/ISCIS.2007.4456864.
13. Daghan Dinc and Haluk Bingol, “The Effect of Euclidean Distance in Directed Scale-free Network Generation”, ISCIS’07, Ankara, Turkey, 2007.
doi: 10.1109/ISCIS.2007.4456893.
12. Amac Herdagdelen and Haluk Bingol, “A Cultural Market Model”, The Workshop on The Emergence of Social Behaviour: From Cooperation to Language, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
11. Evrim Acar Ataman, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol, Rasmus Bro and Bulent Yener, “Seizure recognition on epilepsy feature tensor”, 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Wien, Austria, 2007.
10. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk Bingol, “Community Detection in Complex Networks using Genetic Al- gorithms”, ECCS’06, Oxford, UK, 2006.
9. Evrim Acar, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol and Bulent Yener, “Computational Analysis of Epileptic Focus Localization”, Proceedings of the 24th IASTED international conference on Biomed- ical Engineering BioMed’06, Innsbruck, Austria, 2006.
8. Canan Pembe and Haluk Bingol, “Complex Networks in Different Languages: A Study of an Emer- gent Multilingual Encyclopedia”, NECSI’06, Boston, USA, 2006.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85081-6_76.
7. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun and Haluk Bingol, “Measuring Preferential Attachment in a Hyper- Textual Dictionary Reference Network: EksiSozluk”, ECCS’05, Paris, France, 2005.
6. Haluk Bingol, “Fame as an Effect of the Memory Size”, ECCS’05, Paris, France, 2005.
5. Melih Kirlidog and Haluk Bingol, “The Shaping of an Electronic List by its Active Members”, 5th iTira, pp.40-48, Queensland, Australia, 2003.
4. Cigdem Patlak, Ayse Bener and Haluk Bingol, “Web Service Standards and Real Business Scenario Challenges”, EuroMicro, pp. 421-424, Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
doi: 10.1109/EURMIC.2003.1231627.
3. Dilek Duman, Haluk Bingol and Mehmet Yanilmaz, “Table Look-Up Device Modeling for Electronic Circuit Simulation”, 4th ISCIS, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 1989.
2. Dilek Duman, Haluk Bingol and Mehmet Yanilmaz, “Numerical Integration Based on Variation Diminishing Polynomials in the Context of Circuit Simulation”, 4th ISCIS, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, 1989.
1. Edward P. Stabler and Haluk Bingol, “Boolean Comparison by Simulation”, 24th Design Automation Conference, Miami Beach, FL, USA, 1987.
doi: 10.1145/37888.37979.
Diğer Konferanslar
20. Haluk O. Bingol, “The dose of the threat makes the resistance for cooperation”, 4th MC Meeting of COST TD1210, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017.
19. Haluk O. Bingol, “A new use of citation context for document retrieval”, COST TD1210, Budapest, Hungry, 2016.
18. Haluk O. Bingol, “A new use of citation context for document retrieval”, 3rd MC Meeting of COST TD1210, Mons, Belgium, 2015.
17. Haluk O. Bingol, “A new use of citation context for document retrieval”, The role of knowledge maps for access to Digital Archives (COST TD1210) as satellite of ELPUB2015, Valletta, Malta, 2015.
16. Haluk O. Bingol, “An attempt for teaching programming to the masses”, The role of knowledge maps for access to Digital Archives (COST TD1210) as satellite of ELPUB2015, Valletta, Malta, 2015.
15. Uzay Cetin, Haluk O. Bingol, “Computational Models for Attention Competition: Agent Based Mod- els for Attention Scarcity”, International Conference on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, Finland, 2015.
14. Haluk O. Bingol, “Complex Networks and Brain Connectivity: A Dilbert’s view”, Brain Dynamics 2012, Turunc, Marmaris, Turkey, 2012.
13. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Gossip on Weighted Networks”, 4nd MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Galway, Ireland, 2012.
12. Uzay Cetin and Haluk O. Bingol, “A sentiment extension to the Simple Recommendation Model”, 3rd MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2011.
11. Haluk Bingol, “Finding a partner: Effect of gift”, 2nd Greek-Turkish Physics Conference, Rhodes, Greece and Marmaris, Turkey, 2010.
10. Haluk Bingol, “Which Criteria Are More Important in Finding a Partner?”, 2nd MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2010.
9. Haluk Bingol, “Modeling Social Systems”, 1st MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Rome, Italy, 2009.
8. Haluk Bingol, “An Extension of Simple Recommendation Model”, PAESS08, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008.
7. Haluk Bingol, Gulefsan Bozkurt, “The Effects of Border in Axelrod’s Culture Model (A preliminary report)”, PAESS08, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008.
6. Haluk Bingol, “Extension of Recommendation Model to Dynamic Population”, Greek-Turkish Physics Conference: Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Rhodos, Greece and Marmaris, Turkey, 2008.
5. Haluk Bingol, “On the Memory Size”, IIFG’07, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
4. Haluk Bingol, “On the Size of Memory”, NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
3. Ismail Gunes and Haluk Bingol, “Community Detection Model Using Agents in Complex Net- works”, NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
2. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun and Haluk Bingol, “A Formal Treatment of Generalized Preferential Attachment and its Empirical Validation”, NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
1. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk Bingol, “Genetic Algorithm Approach to Community Detection”, IIFG’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
Ön Baskılar
11. Meliksah Turker and Haluk O. Bingol, “Forgiveness is an Adaptation in Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma with Memory”, 2021.
10. Dogukan Erenel and Haluk O. Bingol, “An Accelerometer Based Calculator for Visually Impaired People Using Mobile Devices”, 2016.
9. Haluk O. Bingol and Omer Basar, “Compatibility of Mating Preferences”, 2016.
8. Haluk O. Bingol and Omer Basar, “Asymmetries of Men and Women in Selecting Partner”, 2012.
7. Neval Polat Eden, Haluk O. Bingol, Bertan Badur, “On the Axelrod’s Social Influence Model with Obstruction”, 2012.
6. Emrah Budur, Haluk O. Bingol, Ata Akin, Ozgur Oner, “MPH normalizes Functional Connectivity in ADHD patients”, 2011. (Suspended due to data ownership).
5. Ilker Yildirim and Haluk Bingol, “Cooperation with Complement is Better”, 2008.
4. Burak Cetin and Haluk Bingol, “Use of Rapid Probabilistic Argumentation for Ranking on Large Complex Networks”, 2008.
3. Mursel Tasgin, Amac Herdagdelen, Haluk Bingol, “Community Detection in Complex Networks using Genetic Algorithm”, 2007.
2. Ismail Gunes and Haluk Bingol, “Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Agents”, 2006. arXiv:cs/0610129.
1. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk Bingol, “Community Detection in Complex Networks using Genetic Al- gorithm”, 2006.
5. Uzay Cetin and Haluk O. Bingol, “Computational Models of Attention Competition: Agent Based Models for Attention Scarcity”, ICCSS 2015, International Conference on Computational Social Sci- ence, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 2015.
4. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk O. Bingol, “The Spread of Gossip in Weighted Complex Networks”, ECCS’11, Vienna, Austria, 2011.
3. Uzay Cetin and Haluk Bingol, “A sentiment extension to the Simple Recommendation Model”, 3nd MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2011.
2. Mursel Tasgin and Haluk Bingol, “The Spread of Gossip in Weighted Networks”, 2nd MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2010.
(Best Poster Award).
1. Ilker Yildirim and Haluk Bingol, “Cooperation with Complement is Better”, 1st MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Rome, Italy 2009.