Prerequisite Courses:
Course Language:
Course Coordinator:
Course Objectives:
The course provides information and skills directly related to the development of programs using Visual Basic language in NET environment.
Course Content:
The course begins with an introduction to NET, Programming. Then the first part covers the following topics: an introduction to visual programming, labels, textboxes, introduction to debugging, variables, memory concepts, the debugger: breakpoints, algorithms, pseudo-codes, checkboxes, logical operators. ''If...Then...Else, Debugger'' statement: watch window, '2Do While Loop'', '''' repetition statements. The second part includes ''Select Case''. Classes, procedures, functions, date variables, passing arguments, by value, by reference, random number generation, arrays.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Question-Answer, 3: Discussion, 4: Simulation, 5: Case Study
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Testing, B: Presentation, C: Homework, D: Project, E: Laboratory
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