• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
HTR 302
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Objectives: 
The basic purpose of the programme is to provide the students with a common understanding on the usefulness and the effective methods of studying history, on the importance of revolutionary history of Turkey and on the role of Ataturk,
Course Content: 

The fields of  the programme are to study the external and internal events in the new state after Laussane Treaty. Moreover following Ataturk’s period, it is discussed the Turkish Foreign Policy in the new period which was particularly established after the Second World War.(Turkey’s joining to security pacts and the relations with European Union)

Course Methodology: 
1: Anlatım, 2: Soru-Cevap, 3: Tartışma
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Sınav , B: Deney C: Ödev

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1.Expresses Republic of Turkey’s position in International arena after Lausanne treaty   1,2,3 A
2.Analyzes Social and Political reforms   1,2,3 A
3.Relates Ataturk’s Principles and Revolutions   1,2,3 A
4.Explains Ataturk’s Foreign Policy notion   1,2,3 A
5.Interprets Turkey’s position in the 21st century   1,2,3 A

Course Flow

Week Topics Study Materials
1 Lausanne Peace Treaty (compare to treaty of Sevres)  
2 The reforms in political areas (abolition of Sultanate-the establishment of Republic)  
3 The reactions against Political reforms and trial for Multi-Party system  
4 Social and Cultural Reforms  
5 Economic Developments  
6 The developments in Science and Education systems  
7 Midterm Exam  
8 Turkish Foreign Policy in 1939-1945  
9 Economic and Law developments after 1938  
10 The Second World War, Turkish Foreign Policy in the Second World War  
11 The developments after Second World War, the membership for European Union, the relations between Turkey and the United States, National Security  
12 Ataturk’s Principles  
13 General Review  
14 General Review  
15 General Review  
16 Final Exam  

Recommended Sources

Textbook -
Additional Resources - İmparatorluktan Ulus Devlete Türk İnkılap Tarihi,

Öztürk, Cemil (Prof.Dr.) (Editör)

Yazarlar : Tülay Alim BARAN (Prof.Dr.),Edip Başer (Dr.),

Süleyman Beyoğlu(Prof.Dr.),

Handan Diker(Dr.),

Vahdettin Engin (Prof.Dr.),

Cezmi Eraslan (Prof.Dr.),

Arzu M.Erdoğan (Dr.),

Cemil Öztürk (Prof.Dr.)

- Nutuk


Mid-terms 1 40
Final 1 60
Total   100


Activities Quantity Duration
Course Duration (Including the exam week: 16x Total course hours) 16 2 32
Hours for off-the-classroom study (Pre-study, practice) 16 1 16
Mid-terms 1 1 1
Final examination 1 1 1
Total Work Load     50
Total Work Load / 25 (h)     2
ECTS Credit of the Course     2