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Information Systems and Technologies Department

Program Type: Undergraduate
Language: English

About Department

The Department of Information Systems and Technologies, with its focus on informatics and computer science, and its interdisciplinary academic program, aims to train knowledgeable and versatile IT professionals who can successfully work in today's complex business environments. The Department collaborates and maintains close contact with the leading firms in the sector, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP, and applies the necessary updates to its educational program for fulfilling their certification requirements. As such, the Department offers its students (together with a Bachelor's Degree diploma, and options for Double Major degrees or an additional Minor) valuable certificates from these global IT and computing firms.

Upon completing their education, the graduates of our Department can work in job positions related to the fields of computing and information technologies (e.g., computer programmer and software developer, system designer and administrator, network administrator, database systems specialist, web developer, IT security specialist, etc.). Additionally, thanks to our Department's interdisciplinary academic program which includes courses on business administration, accounting, corporate management and organization, they can also work in a multitude of job positions (e.g., Manager, Project Manager, Coordinator, Specialist, Consultant, etc.) in diverse sectors ranging from telecommunications, e-commerce and e-business to banking, insurance and accounting. Most of these job positions require the capability of fulfilling tasks such as the design, application and administration of platforms for electronic commerce, enterprise systems, transaction processing systems, customer relationship management systems, supply chain management systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, expert systems, data mining, virtual reality technologies, cloud systems and mobile communication systems.



