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  • English

You are invited to our panel titled "Being a Woman in the Software Industry" organized in cooperation with Yeditepe University Career Development and Alumni Communication Directorate, Faculty of Computer and Informatics and Software Industrialists Association!

In this panel, which will be moderated by Virgosol Founder and General Manager Arzu Er, Gtech Founder and General Manager Mine Taşkaya, Promaks/Gilbarco General Manager Aysu Senem Çavdar, Uyumsoft General Manager Özlem İkiz and Workcube Founder Özlem Turhan will take part as speakers.

The event will take place on Wednesday, May 22 at 16. 00 at Üzeyir Garih Hall.

Panel Participation Form: https://forms. gle/zkAL5uc7Rud7UQXu9